July 27, 2005

Black gay community and church leaders unite to end violence

In New York City this year, four Black gay men have been murdered and one critically injured (and that is what we know of as the media repeatedly ignores these crimes). This is a serious problem, an epidemic, that can no longer be ignored. The Black gay community and church leaders are coming together this Sunday in Harlem to bring attention to and work together to end this hate.

One of the men who was murdered is Jamal James. I know him from Syracuse University, where we both went to school. Although we were not close friends, we were both black and gay and involved in lots of campus activities. Jamal was the head of the student government, so knew everyone on campus and we all liked him. He was an amazing leader and no one doubted that he would bring his charm and skills to the wider world. It was devastating to hear of his murder. I had heard of the other murders and thought I understood the problem of hate crimes, but nothing brings these problems into perspective until it happens to someone you know. This needs to end before more people are senselessly hurt or dead.

REVIVAL! is the first event in a campaign targeted to end violence against gays in the black community. The event will take place at Riverside Church, 490 Riverside Drive, between 120th and 122nd Streets in Harlem, Sunday, July 31, 4-7 p.m.

New York State Black Gay Network
Remembering Jamal James
What Happened to Rashawn Brazell?

July 26, 2005

RU-486 + birth control patch linked to deaths

There are several news reports this month detailing how RU-486 and the birth control patch can affect women adversely, causing serious health issues, such as blood clots and even death. This is yet another reason to demand that more continuous research is done to ensure the safety of birth control options. Health issues that are specific to women are too often ignored. Demand that the FDA include more honest warnings and do more intense research. While I am glad that more birth control options are avilable to us, they need to be safe.

AP: "Abortion Pill Deaths Puzzle Officials"
Newsweek: "Birth control patch linked to higher fatality rate"
FDA: Mifeprex (mifepristone/RU-486) Information
Planned Parenthood

July 21, 2005

Free tuition for virgins

A Parliamentarian in Uganda has thought of a different way to fight AIDS. Reuters reported Wednesday morning that Bbaale County MP Sulaiman Madada has offered to pay the university tuition of any girl from his district if she remains a virgin when she leaves school. Each girl wishing to have her fees paid must submit to a gynelogical exam to prove she is a virgin.
You cannot prove that a woman is a virgin.
HIV/AIDS is a huge problem for women in Uganda, but trading virginity for tuition is not going to end it. A combination of encouraging abstinence or safe sex, condom distribution, and open discussion of HIV/AIDS has contributed (and surely will continue to contribute) to a decrease in HIV/AIDS cases in Uganda.

Reuters: "A good reason to be a virgin..."
HIV & AIDS in Uganda